To welcome to be ourselves (versione inglese di Accogliere per essere sé stessi)

A circa un mese dalla pubblicazione su L'Osservatore Romano, rilancio in versione inglese per gli amici anglofoni l'articolo uscito in italiano col titolo Accogliere per essere sé stessi ( L’Osservatore Romano , 24 luglio 2021, p. 8) Umberto Rosario Del Giudice The Church burns in Spirit; it is in exit; it is called to go beyond its doctrine; and the Universal Church lives of particular communities. Among these communities, the parishes are the ones which suffer the most the social changes: a destabilization which can be seen as a chance. To the changed contexts, is associated the new ecclesiastical model: from the societas to the communio . And new paradigms in front of which that communities been often unprepared, replacing the local agencies of assistance and solidarity. But the parishes are principally communities of faithful people (cf. Apostolicam Actuositatem 10) and between the benefits and the defects, there’s a certainty: The brotherhood is truly lived w...